Happy New Year!

Leave It In 2019

When you think 2020, what do you think? Do you have a list of goals you're hoping to accomplish, or maybe, just a new start in general? Do you just pray that it is NOTHING like 2019? 

Or is that just me? (I wish I was kidding.) 

I was privileged enough to ring in the new year with Hillsong United leading us in worship. Alongside me, 65,000+ believers worshipped. Fully surrendered. Fully anticipating what God is going to do in the new year. Fully taking in the glimpse of heaven that was the Passion 2020 conference. In that moment, I was wrecked - in the best way possible. No longer did I have to carry over the hurt and anxiety 2019 brought with it into the new year. As I sang, "Jesus, Our redemption, Our salvation, Is in His blood!!" fully believing every word, it hit me. He is so GOOD. It was one of those moments in our walk with God that give us a new perspective. It changed my heart and my spirit. I realized I had been holding on to so many things that were burdening my heart. I was holding onto things that were making me weary. They were tiring my spirit. They weren't letting me fully seek God. They were creating a barrier between me and God. My well was stopped up. I had been singing songs full of faith when I was lacking it. 

I don't know if you're like me, but I love to try and control situations. I seem to like to hold on to the very things that weigh me down, thinking that I can somehow fix them if I continue to keep them bottled up. They'll just go away eventually if I just hold on to them a little longer, right??? Wrong. We're not called to hang on to things. We're not made for that. We certainly don't have the strength for it. So why do we think we can? Why do we love to play the part of God? Or, for a minute, think we have a better way to solve our problems than the One who put the stars in their place. He created literally everything and for some reason we still think that we can do it OUR way and it'll all just work out. That secret sin you have going on is not just going to disappear. That hurt and pain that you carry everyday is not just going to fade away magically. UNLESS, you give it to God. 

Acts 1:7 says, "He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority." Did you catch that? It is NOT for us to know times or seasons. It is not for us to worry about that job interview we have next week. It is not for us to be anxious about that friendship that seems toxic. It is not for us to carry pain caused by someone we loved. IT IS NOT FOR US. The FATHER has fixed by his own authority. How relieving is that? We no longer have to try and figure out what our next step is because our Father has already fixed it by HIS. OWN. AUTHORITY. That's all I needed to know. 

So, why are you still trying to bring things into the new year that belong in 2019? Give them to the Father. Give them to God. Give them to the King of Kings. He reigns forevermore. You know what doesn't? The things satan is trying to hold over your head!! Give it to God this year. Whatever it is.  He can handle it, trust me. He wants to take it from you. He loves you enough to send His son to die for you and He loves you enough to take your anxieties from you. He doesn't want to see you miserable and stressed out. He wants you to walk in freedom. TO WALK FREELY knowing that He has already fixed it by His authority. To be able to dance with JOY, being reminded of His faithfulness and power. 


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